Andaras are not only beautiful, but they are wonderful tools that can help us in so many ways! They can assist with expanding our consciousness, strengthening our connection to our Higher Selves, our Innate abilities and to other dimensions and realms. They can help us to clear and align our energy bodies. They can anchor in various frequencies that can assist with personal and planetary ascension. They can help align us to abundance or keep us protected or be programmed to assist for any number of things!
Here are some of the various ways to use andara crystals: 1. Crystal grids - Excellent way to use a variety of crystals to work in unison for a directed purpose. Don't worry if you haven't done it before, just set them up in a layout that feels good to you. They will let you know where they want to be, set your intention and let them work for you. 2. Bath time - Great for clearing and aligning the energy body. 3. Meditation - Powerful way to enhance your meditation practice. 4. Carrying/Wearing - This allows the energies of the andara to assimilate and integrate into your personal energy field. 5. Elixirs - Allowing the energies of the andara to infuse water or oils and then using for magical purposes such as anointing objects or using on your body. I also have clients that ingest water that has been charged with the energy of the andaras and I recommend placing your andaras around the container holding your liquids as opposed to placing your andaras in direct contact with the water if you are going to ingest it. Use your own judgement on whether or not this is right for you. 6. Activation - Giving the andaras lots of sunlight, love and attention really stimulates them! They will start to glow when they are being activated. This increases the frequencies and rays held within the andaras which makes for a more powerful andara! This is so beneficial to our personal spiritual development as well as assists Gaia and the crystalline grid with the Ascension process. 7. Photos - Andaras love attention and taking photos is a great way to observe some of the various frequencies as well as any changes in your andaras. 8. Fun in the sun! - Taking them outside, holding them up to the sun, allowing the light to shine through, watching the different colors that are evident in the pieces when they light up - all sorts of ways to enjoy them outdoors! 9. Lakes/Rivers/Beaches - Take your andaras to a local body of water and allow them to sit in the water to send healing to Gaia's waters and all the animals and fish that inhabit the area. Watch the display of lightcodes dance along the water's surface. Connect in and utilize these energies for your own healing benefit. Some people chant or sing or use instruments, tuning forks, etc to connect in and assist with the process. 10. Sitework - Taking them to areas that can benefit from energy clearing, allowing them to absorb and integrate energies from places that you are drawn to, and bringing in higher frequencies to raise the vibration of an area are all wonderful ways to use them as part of your lightworking practices. Of course there is always specific chakra healing too! You can add them to your plants and gardens so that they too can benefit from the healing properties and super high vibes that andaras bring. Pets love them too and children can obviously benefit from them as well. In fact, give a child a stone and let them tell you all about it! That's always fun, and often educational too! The best way to use your andaras are in any way that bring you joy because, ultimately, you are your best guide! Your Higher Self led you to them for a reason so trust in that! The more you connect in with them through the heart, the more they will assist and show you. More on this at another time! Wishing you a super blessed and magical day, Dana Marie
Dana MarieWayShower and Ascension Guide Archives
March 2023