Hello, friend! I just wanted to pop in and give you all a brief update.
I am back to "work" here, although it is not quite at FULL capacity yet as I am still healing and resting as needed. Thank you to everyone for showing their love and support as I go through this recovery period. I super appreciate you! This has been such a DEEP and TRANSFORMATIVE time and I know that collectively we have been discovering more truths about ourselves and the way we connect with others, examining deep patterns and any other programming that has come up for us during this time. More layers pulling back and more being revealed as we progress through this Period of Illumination. The Shadow coming to Light! We have all been feeling this in our own way. Emotions have been high as we enter this Scorpio Season and The New Moon energies helped to "stir up" some feelings that have been lingering under the surface so that we can choose whether to bring these things into this new cycle or leave them in the past. For me personally, I feel as if I had been slowly coming out of a fog since my surgery - probably from the anesthesia, but I found it super appropriate and symbolic on multiple levels regarding the energies The Collective is also moving through. Many things we have been working on have been "completed" or "come full circle" and we are preparing for the next cycle....the new that is now able to enter. I know I am super excited about it and I hope you are, too! I have started to add new pieces to the website and will be adding more throughout the week! Please let me know if I can help you find something specific. Love and blessings, Dana Marie 💜
Dana MarieWayShower and Ascension Guide Archives
March 2023