Candle Quartz aka Atlantean Lovestar Crystal
These crystals are powerful storehouses of information known as Lightbraries. Lightbrary crystals have other smaller crystals that seem to grow out from the main center crystal but yet are attached to the center stone. This is what separates them from typical crystal clusters configurations. The main center crystal is known as the Teacher or Master and the formations around it are the Students. Just think of all the potential stored in these crystals! These crystals are called Candle Quartz due to these crystal formations that form around the main crystal, giving them an appearance similar to a dripping wax candle and as it turns out, this name is an excellent choice considering they are also “Fairy Lanterns”. The fairies said these crystals allow light to enter in the small tunnels and caverns that the fairies frequent. As the Fairy Lanterns are serving this purpose for the various elementals, they are also gathering all sorts of information and frequencies that we can then access and utilize for our own soul’s growth. Holding them is like physically holding a gentle, loving light that sends out a signal. This signal is felt by the various elementals that work with these energies. They are then more accessible to reach and receive assistance from. This crystal is also actually a tool that your Higher Self uses to assist you as well by “shedding light” on things that need to be brought into your awareness in order to be cleansed and released. These crystals also provide a beacon of loving light that gently guides one to look within and assists in showing us anything there that needs to be brought into our awareness as well, making these wonderful tools for providing you with insight. These crystals are a light from “home” and can provide you with many of the comforts one feels when returning to a place where they once lived or with the feelings and emotions that come with visiting with loved ones that you haven’t seen in a long time. Because of their super-loving energies, they are also called Atlantean Lovestar Crystals and were traditionally given as gifts to loved ones. You may even remember working with them in this way before. They are powerful crystal generators too and their appearance resembles the many castles and kingdoms that have existed here over the ages. These crystals have the ability to assist with helping bring the spiritual and/or non-physical into the physical world. They are also an “Abundance” crystal helping one to draw to them the prosperity that they seek, both within and without. All of the frequencies and knowledge held within these crystals make them a powerful tool to work with. Aside from meditating with them, you can also use them for scrying, astral projection and to form a protective barrier around people and objects. They are quite multipurpose! They come in a few varieties and they each have their own added superpower. The white ones assist more with Divine energies, reaching the angelic realms, and Pure White Light The red/purple variety contains hematite which adds more of a grounding effect to the above mentioned qualities as well as provides that extra loving touch that we may need at times. The smoky/grey ones help to dissolve and repel lower vibrational energies making them a powerful purification tool. These crystals are wonderful Elemental Companions that really do have our best interests at heart. I encourage you to research them and read about all of their wonderful healing qualities. Invite one to come and share its ancient wisdom and powerful healing abilities with you. Each crystal comes cleansed, anointed and charged with loving energies. If one calls to you, it’s for a reason
Dana MarieWayShower and Ascension Guide Archives
March 2023